Saturday, April 24, 2010

2nd Day & Night

Roman finshed the day wonderfully yesterday. We did realize later in the afternoon that he didn't get enough lunch. Because he was so hungry he couldn't settle down for an afternoon nap. Once we realized the problem, we fed him a large snack :) Then, he fell asleep on my shoulder for about half an hour around 5 pm which was perfect, since it was closer to bedtime.

I'm going to give Wes his props here, b/c you can just call him baby chef extraordinaire!! He made Roman a soup with veggies in it, very similar to what we fed him that day in the orphanage. You could look at his face and tell he was so excited and recognized it was similar to what he was used to!

He slept great again last night - all night, and has done great so far today. He ate breakfast like a champ, had a mid-morning snack, and is napping now.

A great lazy Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. Aww! All that sounds wonderful! So glad he is sleeping well- miss you all
