Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Boys vs. Girls

I had to take Kate to the dentist today, and while we were in the waiting room we observed several boys playing with the toys and video games they had there at the pediatric dentist.  One in particular was SO cute, and had actually finished his appointment and was playing while his Mom filled our some more paperwork.  He came over to her once and said, "Hey Mom, will you hold my snake?"  It was his little plastic prize he had gotten for being good as his appointment (I know this b/c it was one of our choices as well...although Kate didn't really pick that out for her prize!  ha).  I had a moment where I thought that I can't wait to have our little boy say something like that to me!  He also brought over a dinosaur and said, "Hey Mom, I have this one at home!"  I know this may sound silly to have a moment with two simple sentences, but Kate has (so far) proven to be a very girly girl with much drama.  And, while I LOVE that, I think it will be so much fun to have a little boy in our lives.  I am one of two girls, and my sister has 2 little girls.  So, adding a boy to my side of the family will definitely be a change!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring Weather!

We've really been enjoying the nice weather that's come our way.  Kate LOVES the park....well, she loves being outsides perio d.  Don't say the word "bubbles" unless you're ready for hours of fun.  And don't take her to the park unless you're ready to push her in the swings for quite a while.  Here are some pics of the playtime at the park and our photo shoot the other day.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Learning new words

Kate is learning more and more new words every day...and even putting a few together. Yesterday, she said in her cute baby talk "I want fish." Goldfish that is. Her new favorite word is "book," and, in particular likes her Dr. Suess Foot Book. She has also altered how she says "milk," and now calls is "muk." Her Daddy taught her the wonderful opposites of "up" and "down," and anytime you say up or down she starts doing squats saying "up, down"........of course it reminds me of Karate Kid. I can hear Mr. Miagee (sp?) now. Ha!

Her other favorite thing to do right now is run. She loves to run and say "run, run, run!"

Monday, April 13, 2009

Blog Beginnings....

Well, I've finally broken down and started a blog. I love to read others, and I thought it would be a great way to keep others updated of what's going on with us and our adoption.

We are currently in the waiting period of our adoption process. We submitted our dossier in early January, and we are waiting to be registered into a region (hopefully in the next few months). Once registered, we hope to receive a referral for our little boy. We hope to make our first trip late summer...but, only the Lord knows the true timeline!