So, I get a call from my family coordinator this morning and knew it was important for her to be calling instead of using email. She said she had some important news. The judge decided (at this moment in the conversation I was imagining the worst possible scenario in my head, which is that the judge was requesting paperwork from Wes's stay in Africa. We all know this would pretty much be impossible.) that her schedule was too full on April 6th, and she was moving our court date to April 13th. Well, that was quite a relief to me :) (compared to what I was thinking) And not only that, but I had an extra week to prepare for the trip!
Unfortunately, it adds more stress to Wes's life (poor guy - like he needs any!). His grand opening was scheduled for May 1, which is now the date we are flying home from Russia. So, he's having to move a lot of things around, but I know it will happen.
The most frustrating part of all of this was moving our flights - the first lady was super helpful, and she got us the right dates, but her system wasn't working correctly. She had told me they would waive the fees for changing the tickets, since the change of court date was out of our control. But, the guy she transferred me to to actually re-issue the tickets was not so helpful. I know he was probably just following protocol, but it was still very frustrating. He told me that I would have to have a letter from the court explaining the change in court date. I tried to ask if I could have something from the agency....that there was no way I could get something from a court in Siberia!!! He obviously didn't understand or didn't care. Anyway, $500 later we have our tickets changed.
SO - APRIL 13th is our officially updated court date :) YAY!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see him. Please pray for our sanity - thanks for checking in!
Wow! That is crazy that they would change the date on you, glad to hear you were able to change your plane tickets, etc. Good luck with all the packing, if you have any questions what to bring or not to bring send me an email. We were there at exactly the same time last year, there was a mix of weather some days light snow and some days warm with no need for a jacket. Pack layers:-)