Thursday, August 27, 2009

Referral Update

In my latest email from my family coordinator regarding paperwork, she told me that they had word the family ahead of us should be receiving their referral in the next few weeks – hopefully sooner. They have already received word of a referral available for them but we have not officially received it yet.

WooHoo!!!!!! That means we're coming could still be several weeks, but still good to know one is picked out for them :)

1 comment:

  1. Interesting! We were never told such specific info. in the process so I'm glad you've been given some indication of how close you are. Couldn't it be possible that you receive a referral at the same time or close to the same time? It has happened in the past. I'm still puzzled over how long the wait is now for a boy (at least through AWAA). I'm hoping that you receive good news soon :)
